
Primary School Building

Our little village school has grown very quickly and we are excited to see the change in our students lives!  Most of the children in our village were not able to attend school in the past because they could not afford to pay the fees.  

We allow children to attend our school for free through our "Change a Life" sponsorship program.  Through the program, children not only receive an education, but they also receive two meals each day, as well as medical care.  Life changing stuff!  

We are extremely THANKFUL for our sponsors who have partnered with us to make it possible for over 150 children to attend our school!  We now have a waiting list of children that are anxious for the opportunity to attend school and we want to make that dream come true for them.

Our challenge is that we have grown out of our existing building and are in desperate need to raise money in order to add four more classrooms to our school.  Currently, we have four classrooms for seven grades and we will add one more grade level next year, as our students move up, which will complete our primary school.  Due to a lack of space, we have two classes meeting on the steps and our nursery class meets in our church.  We NEED more classrooms!

We have been given a "Bill of Quantity" that estimates that an additional building with four classrooms will cost $100,000.  Although the amount seems overwhelming at times, we are trusting the Lord to provide!

We are gearing up to start fund raising for this building and we need your help!  Please consider giving towards this need. We also need prayer coverage and help spreading the word!  

EVERY dollar donated and designated for "SUUBI School" will be used specifically for completing our primary school. 

Education is key to enabling these children to 'be the change' their country desperately needs and we need YOU to make it possible!